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Real life


Eaahhhhhh. Funny how my silly little comics have resonated with so many people, and with no effort on my part to distribute them, I notice they're in lots of different countries and being shared in some interesting places, heheh.

Perhaps this is because my comics are about real life. About those moments that are so unbearably special, so nothing-y on the face of them, but that strike us in the guts when they happen. So when we write/draw/make music about those things, if they are real - that art connects with people in a deep way, because we all know ... yeah. I've felt that one. I've seen that curve, or felt that awkwardness. I've smelled that smell during that hug. I've accidentally stroked that arm or touched that hand while passing a mug of coffee. I've nuzzled a bit too close during a reunion, and felt something. I've stayed overnight somewhere and shared that bathroom, and maybe I didn't see anything, but maybe they did. Maybe, maybe. Ahhh, real life. Awkward and painful and wonderful.

Comic update: I've done the first few scenes, and we're getting on for a third of the way through! Yay! :)


  1. Yeah, those lingering feelings. The slight excitement of what could have happened, where your fantasy bridges towards a possible reality is rather intriguing. If I had had the courage to do this would this have happened. The "might haves" can often be more alluring then the "it happened".

  2. How much I agree with you... And how much we are doing the same way (even if obviously my story is totally different and I'm 2D artist); but the moods, feelings, atmospheres are really near yours. So I understand very well what you have wrote. Good luck

  3. Experience as its finest. No one can fake it until they went through it.

  4. Your stories and illustrations are so thoughtfully made and man are they hot!! Congratulations to you on your creation!!


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